Sometimes, I swear my memory has narcolepsy. It will forget to wake up with me at the beginning of the day, and then spontaneously switch on and off at the most inconvenient times. It's on these days that I usually create extra problems I then have to solve.
Yesterday was a memory narcolepsy day which provided not one, but two, opportunities for me to refine my problem-solving skills...fortunately, lady luck chose to be my companion. It started before I even opened my eyes with a panicky sob from my 5 year old, "Mom! Mom! Mom!" She came running into my room just as my eye-lids were reluctantly separating. "Honey, what's wrong?" I groggily asked. "*sob*'t-any-money-there-either!"
Oh dear.
That forgetful Tooth Fairy forgot to make an appearance.
Thankfully, the kids were obedient and sat on my bed while I went to go 'investigate' (they couldn't come with me, you see, because Miles was still sleeping in their bedroom and it needed to stay extra quiet). What do you know?! That silly tooth fairy left the money under one of the other pillows on her bed! I guess McKenzie's head must have been right on the edge of her pillow and the Tooth Fairy couldn't squeeze the money in under it! As for the missing tooth? Well, luckily McKenzie just didn't happen to see that it was still sitting directly under the middle of her pillow. I'm still not sure how she missed it... but, she was thrilled to pull up the other pillow and see that the Tooth Fairy did, indeed, remember her.
The next little while seemed to go on without much of a hitch. I got McKenzie ready just in time for our neighbor to pull in our driveway to take her to school. "See you a little earlier today!" I called out to our neighbor. I wanted to make sure she remembered I'd be dropping her little girl off just after the early release of 1:30.
1:40 came along, and I was parked on the couch finishing up some e-mail when my friend, Katie, called, "Hey, Linds. Are you already through the carpool line? Did you already get McKenzie?" My eyes shot to the clock, "Oh-my-gosh!" I exclaimed. "I TOTALLY forgot!!! No! I'm still sitting in my house - - - I am so glad you just called me right now - - - early release wasn't even on my radar!" She asked if I could pick up her boys for her, and I flew out the door dragging a shoe-less Carson, carrying a just-awoken-hungry Miles, and leaving an unfinished e-mail on the computer.
It actually ended up being a good thing, though, because Katie and I decided to meet at a park to play away the afternoon.
I seriously love this little guy's hair! Look how red it is - and that sweet little curl that's sticking up in the middle of his head...precious!
All I really need on days like that is a good nights sleep - sleep somehow reboots the system. Hopefully I won't be forgetting other important things in the next little while...But, I'm not making any guarantees.
Can I say how much I HATE the early out thing!?! It throws EVERYONE off. We've had teachers, bus drivers, and of course parents forget about it. Luckily the day I forgot Richard called to remind me.
ReplyDeleteI love that picture of Kenz on the swing too. I just love all your pictures. It really makes me want to invest in a rebel camera as well. They have such awesome quality, but I'm afraid I'd be totally lost on how to use it.
Love the pictures! Nice color!
ReplyDeleteI can so totally relate. Now I use a computer calendar that reminds me about *everything*, and I do much better. It's not so good about the tooth fairy thing, though! And our tooth fairy has *always* been very forgetful...
ReplyDeleteI just don't understand where Miles' hair came from...