Thursday, May 27, 2010

Boycotting Bees

Carson is boycotting all bees at the moment because he got stung yesterday and felt that the bee was highly unjustified.

"I was *sob* just twying to howld the bee. I wasn't even *sob sob* twying to kiwll it. And *sob* it still stinged me."

His finger was double it's normal size by the time it stopped swelling.

Oh, Buddy. Too bad bees can't understand the difference between being lovingly squeezed to death, and maliciously squeezed to death...


  1. Oh... some life lessons are just harder to learn. Poor kid!

  2. That sad he got stung, but it totally makes me laugh. Sadness prevails!

  3. He is so cute! Sorry for the bee sting!

  4. awww, he should totally sing the bumble bee song, completely justified ;) Ouch!
