Thursday, January 14, 2010

Letting it go

"You love to eat dirt!" I tease Carson as we try to decide what to have for a mid-morning snack.
"NO!!! I DON'T like to eat duht!" he insists.
"Yummmm, yummmmm, yummmmmy! I'll go get a bunch of dirt right now for your snack!"
"NOOOOOO!" He's still smiling, but also a little concerned that this may not be a joke.

I pull down the chocolate powder to make him a cocoa-baba (chocolate milk) and say, "Here's the dirt! Hand me your cup, please, and I'll fill it up with spoonfuls of this yummy, yummy dirt."

His look is priceless...a mixture of relief and excitement.
"Dat's not duht!"
"It's not?"
"NO!!! I eat duht from under mine fingernails, though."


One of the best pieces of advice I got in anticipation of my third baby was, "You just have to learn how to let things go."

I didn't really get it...what could be let go in my life? My children needed to eat - - - my house needed to be cleaned - - - my laundry needed to be done - - - what could be cut out? Now, 7 months into this baby #3 thing, I get it.

I have papers on my microwave that have built their own little community and have no intent on ever leaving.

There's a 2X1 foot square in the corner of my dining room that the vacuum can't reach unless I change outlets in the middle of my vacuuming...I don't think that square has been vacuumed for 7 months now. And I've all but forgotten the hose attachment...I think all the tiny scraps of paper and little dirt clumps have figured out that their safe place is anywhere they can hug a wall. The same piece of paper you noticed last time you came over will be there next time...and the next...and the next.

There's a layer of dust collecting on my mantle that is getting so high I can see it from a sitting position on my couch.

We have pancakes or quesidillas for dinner at least one night a week, and leftovers for another two.

My plants get watered when they're sagging so low their leaves brush the ground.

I can actually see the crumbs underneath the stove, and dust bunnies keep flying out from under the couches and entertainment stand. kids eat dirt out from underneath their fingernails.


Yesterday, we had company coming in to stay the night. An old BYU friend interviewing for residencies around the country. I washed the sheets on the guest bed for him, and scrubbed the toothpaste remnants out of the bathroom sink. I picked up the bits of scattered toilet paper, put the extra stepping stools in the closet, and wiped the yellow spots off of the toilet (boys!). Just as I was turning my back on a job done well enough, I glanced at the white towels I have hanging on the towel rack. I quickly did a double-take and remembered what I had seen a few days before: a yellowish-green, crusty snot smear spanning 5 inches across the middle of the bright white towel.

Um, gross.

It was in this moment that I reached a new level of 'letting it go'. Generally, I would whip that towel into the washing machine before you could count to ten...but I didn't have time for that, and I didn't really have the energy for that either. So, I picked the towel up, turned it around, and slipped it back over the towel rack.

Out of sight, out of mind.

I only hope our guest didn't wipe his hands on that towel - he most certainly would have found the hidden crustiness.


I've learned that life kind of prioritized itself. The things that REALLY bug me are getting done...the beds are made every day, and the rooms are tidy. There are usually no shoes in the middle of my floor, and the TV is usually closed behind the entertainment center doors. Our clothes make it into the laundry hamper and there are no toys on my kitchen floor (crumbs and sometimes giant pieces of food, yes...but no toys).

AND - I still get to play with my kids and feed them, too. :)


  1. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I have also let go. I am such a perfectionist that I have to have things in the right place before I go to bed. Ever since I had Parker, Sometimes I get lazy and leave stuff laying in our room. Now that we are moving into a house, I have more rooms to keep nice and tidy. The question is, can I do it?

  2. It's all such a trade off, isn't it. You can never turn the towel around, always keep everything just so, but that will suck every last bit of spare anything out of your life. Which would be no good at all!

  3. smiles, and smiles, although the boogie on the towel . . . ;) What guests don't know . . . he he

  4. This is definitely a concept I have not mastered yet, except letting the dusting go... Poor Nate was forced to vacuum the blinds the other day because of the dust. If he involves himself in cleaning you know you have "let it go" too long! LOL

  5. Remind me to wipe my hands on my pants the next time I use the sink at your house! Did you know that etiquette requires that when you use a hand towel at someone else's house, you must mess it up? Like ruffle it so they know it's been used and can wash it immediately. Crazy huh? Maybe Carson was just trying to let you know he had used it- how polite of him!

  6. Well, your letting go with three kids sounds like my letting go with one (and a half) kids. Actually, no, I am not that tidy. Sometimes Caleb's blocks get picked up at the end of the day, but not today (but my kitchen is clean and that's one of my priorities).

  7. I feel like I've let everything go. Is it possible to ever get laundry folded when you have three? It's nice to know that I'm not alone. I miss you. Thanks for talking to me on New Years!

  8. And the sad thing is that I'm sure your house is STILL ten times cleaner than mine. It's getting to the point where I can't actually remember what color the carpet in my bedroom is...

  9. Lindsay, the way you express yourself through writing is absolute talent. I love reading your blog. And since I only have two kids and the description of my house can only be described as much worse than what you said, I'm probably in big trouble if the future brings more kids my way. Funny about the priorities though. I always make my bed too. And do my dishes and keep up on the laundry (I HATE running out of clean underwear). But dusting, uncovering the desk, mopping all belong to the "let go" category. Every once in awhile we do a house "blitz" where Chad and I tackle the house for a few hours and that gets my by for months.

  10. Thanks for the reminder Linds, I have bread to be made, 5 loads of laundry on my bed, bathrooms to clean, floor to mop and I'll think I'll play with the kids!

  11. I only have one and my house is always a mess. what does this mean when I have 3?:)

    I want to know more about the photog class. I am so interested! Here is my e-mail

    oh and we do have a blog too.

    And last thing, your kids are adorable! They all look so different.

  12. You are wonder woman! I love your posts! They ALWAYS make me laugh (or cry)The kids are so grown up its crazy! We miss you guys...and Durham! Keep up the good work! ;-)

  13. haha.. turning over the booger towel. I'm totally going to check it out next time I use your bathroom. :)

    Letting it go makes me a little crazy, but it's a better crazy than trying to keep everything perfect!

  14. I love it!! We miss you guys it.

  15. I seriously love this post...made me laugh! I really get it!

  16. Oh yes and with the next child you will stop hanging towels and have the kids dry their hands on their clothes! That's what we do now! haha
