Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kamikaze Acorns

"Ready, set, GO!" I yell from the safety of my doorway. The kids, who were huddled around my legs, dash down the steps and run full speed to the van. They have already decided that McKenzie will slide the door open - - - this makes sense because her long legs make it inevitable that she will reach the door first. As they jump into the van, I glance down one last time at Miles, kicking in his car-seat, and pull the sunshade over his little body. Picking up the diaper bag, my car keys and the heavy car-seat, I step out onto the first step, close the door behind me, duck my head, and clumsily wobble to the car as fast as I can with my heavy load.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I slide into the drivers-seat and bask for a moment in our victory. *plunk* The moment is brief, however, for after a few passing seconds, *plunk* the sound of acorns hitting the top of the van, fills our ears. *plunk........plunk plunk*

Kamikaze Acorns.


It's windy. Brian and I are just about to plop into bed when a strong gust of wind blows through the trees outside sending sheets of acorns down on our house. It sounds like heavy rain on a tin roof as they hit, then like rolling marbles on a tile floor as they roll down to the roof's edge, and then like mad, wrestling squirrels as they fall into the crunchy leaves below.

We stand there, in the middle of our room staring wordlessly into each others wide, surprised eyes. "I don't remember this happening last year," I say anxiously.
"Me neither," he replies.
"Do you think we were supposed to, like, treat the trees with some sort of something that might make them not produce so many acorns?" (After several 'we're-supposed-to-do-what' moments concerning home ownership over the last year, it was an honest, legit question.)
"Nah," he says reassuringly, "I remember an article from CNN last year about how there was an eerily low supply of acorns last fall. Maybe this is normal and last year was abnormal." It becomes clear to me at this point that I have married a nerd. He actually read an article about acorns...and remembered it a year later. After laughing at him for a few minutes, he pulls up the actual article and, sure enough, there apparently was a shortage of acorns last year.


Yes, they may be small and look like harmless little squirrel snacks, but trust me, when you hear those acorns free-falling from 75 feet in the air, you'd better take cover...

...and hope that next year will bring about the same eerie deficit in acorns as the last.


  1. Thanks for the memory. When we first moved to NC I was pregnant with Thomas and would take William walking all fall to pick up acorns and their "hats." I'd completely forgotten that--thanks!

  2. hahaha

    Yesterday I got nailed in the head by an acorn and I thought about you. It HURT! Our backyard is dangerous, but luckily we can play in our front yard away from bombing acorn territory.

  3. That is really funny to someone that seeing one acorn is a novelty. Most tree produce extra "fruit" when they have a low supply the previous year. So next year will probably be somewhere between the two. In the mean time. Good luck on staying free of acorn induced head lumps!

  4. I love your blog! I'm sitting here in my classroom- lauging out loud to myself. No really. Laughing HARD. Brian kills me! After you said that Brian told you about that article- I was gone. I just started laughing and my only thought was- he is like a real life Hermione! He is the character in your life that can tell you ANY fact that the author wants told- only on the basis that "of course" he would know that. Hermione.

    Then after I stopped laughing I kept reading and laughed again when I saw that YOU were thinking a very similar thought. I love it.

    I can't believe your acorns, though! How crazy is that?!

  5. Those acorns are wild. One year we paid Josh & Tyler to pick them up because we literally had thousands. It was really bad when they all started trying to sprout.

    I was also laughing at Kenzie's spelling in the sidebar. I'm always alarmed to find out what my kids have been hearing words as--my two favorites are "jress" for dress, and "bajamas"...

  6. So funny- and I agree with Michelle about Brian being a real-life Hermione. Except that it's not fun to tell him about anything I've read or hear because he's already read or heard the same thing! And I love your sidebar comment about the cockroach at reminded me of the time at my house when you pointed one out to me and then it became clear to you that I wasn't going to do anything about it, you said, "okay, I'll pretend I didn't notice it"!

  7. That is so funny linds! Great pictures too! LOVE THEM!!! Your kids are just all so cute!
