#1 - My House
#2 - My New (to me) Van
#3 - My Cute Kid Playing Soccer
I'm entering into the next step of motherhood. Going from 'playing house' to 'living real life' so to speak. McKenzie is growing up, and all the sudden I need to kiss more than just the scrapes on her knees - I need to figure out how to kiss her broken heart because she feels betrayed by one of her best friends. All the sudden I need to encourage more than just saying 'please' and 'thank-you' - I need to figure out how to teach her to learn how to be polite always...especially when she's placed in uncomfortable situations. All the sudden I need to stop blocking dangerous things such as electricity outlets, and sharper scissors, and toasters, and butter knives, and ovens, and hammers, and nails - I need to show her how to use them properly, and teach her how to decide for herself what is dangerous and what is not.
You know what? I love it. I love this phase and I've just started it! This is kind of odd for me, because I usually have a difficult time transitioning from one phase to another - - - but I've been surprised with how gratifying these new problems are to solve. Sure, there have been tears and moments of frustration and times when I feel lost and unsure of how to proceed. But I am so excited to step a foot into this new life. A life of raising kids, along with babies and toddlers, losing teeth, making friends, learning science and math... ah!
This is going to be fun.
Wow, you are growing up! I'm lamenting because Caleb is kind of in need of his first hair cut, but you are facing the first day of school (does it really start in two months?? July? Is it year round school?)
ReplyDeleteOne thing I've noticed about Caleb is that as soon as I figure out how to do X with him, he grows up more and that no longer works--he's always one step ahead of me. But I think that's the fun in motherhood--it's always changing as your kids grow and you have to figure out new things (working a regular job doing the same thing day after day gets old), so I think that's one of the reasons why motherhood is such a great job (the smiles and kisses are another reason...) Congrats on your mini-van.
You are such a great mom Linds- and such a great example to me. Thanks for the reminder to celebrate my kids growing up- it IS fun!
ReplyDeleteHOUSES AND CHEESE?! Okay. That's quite possibly the funniest thing I've ever heard. I've been laughing for about 5 minutes, and I'm not sure I'll be done anytime soon. Oh. My. Heck.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you had a mini van. That's some big time stuff!
I miss ya.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. It hit me one day about a week after we got our van, "Wow, I'm a MOM with a MINI VAN!" It was a hard realization since I'd always pictured myself as the Senior in High School or Freshman in college. It really does take some MAJOR life changes to make you realize you truly are growing up. I can just see your poor mom shaking her head thinking my baby is all grown up and a mom herself. Sorry Gunda Lee, apparently everyone ages! We miss you!
ReplyDeleteI know just what you mean. But I can say, I LOVE my minivan. Do you know how much stuff you can get in one of those??? Fabulous.
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling good!
Well, I don't have all of that yet. I do have a minivan and three kids, but not a house yet. We won't get a house until Cory is graduated and we know where are going to be at (hoping for California).
ReplyDeleteIt's weird to think that you are going to be that ideal mom soon.
Your post made me laugh because I can relate in my own way, even if I have just one child. I still step back and think occasionally, "Holy cow!!! I'm a MOM!" It's still surreal, even after 2 1/2 years. And I'll bet you're one of the cutest soccer moms there...
ReplyDeleteKenzie looks so big in that soccer picture. I love your blogs! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and not just your happenings like I do.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I look at all of us and think it is crazy! We are all grown up. Lily will be in 2nd grade in Aug, and Emma will me starting school. Lily is at that age where she is starting to become a girl, and not so much a little girl. In just 8 short months she will be turning 8 and becoming a member of the church. Which seems really crazy to me. We are going to softball games, and running around like MOMS do! How life changes! Your kids are just so cute by the way! I can't wait to see the new baby! I hope you are feeling well!