I realize that this picture is not very good...but there is, indeed, a little brown mouse underneath that metal cup. And we did, indeed, catch it.
Thankfully, the Becks were over at the time we spotted it...so Paul and Brian blocked off the doorways while Megan stood on a chair and scared the mouse out with a stick, and I...well...I just stood in the corner with my own stick and screamed. (No, I'm not proud of it...but it's what happened, alright?) Brian finally captured it under a large basket (harming the poor creature in the process), and transferred it into the cup, out the door, and down the street so it could occupy someone else's house.
Oh boy, I hope we don't have a nest of them somewhere....
Remember THE COCKROACH?? You were the brave one that time. I think we actually had mice in that house too, now that I think about it--and just like on tv, seeing a mouse does often causing involuntary screaming. I hope you have cute forest friends, like bunnies and chipmunks around, too (but not IN the house).
ReplyDeleteI would do the exact same thing except I would probably be on top of the fridge or maybe the kitchen table since I'm not that tall. Every time we have some kind of bug in our apartment, I freak out and make Cory kill it. Some people think I am a baby but it just one of my fears. Well, I have to go now and so I will catch you later.
ReplyDeleteBe glad we weren't there- Eric has actually shaken a mouse to death before! I'm sure I would have been right there in the corner with you:)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was prego with Katherine we had a mouse at work that walked across my shoe. I didn't appreciate it, but I thought he was kind of cute even though I was scared of all the germs and diseases he probably had. I felt kinda bad for him. But then again it wasn't in my house and we've had worse things at work...namely real live bats flying around the store during Halloween. I probably would've freaked if it was in my house!
ReplyDeleteHa! You baby! (And I say that with the most love that I can.)
ReplyDeleteHmm . . . looks like I'm not the only wimp :) It's a good thing we can still be friends!
ReplyDeleteYikes...I hate those things. We have one that likes underneath our sink. At first I thought we kept spilling toasted sesame seeds under there. It took a while till I realized they were tiny mouse poopies.
ReplyDeleteI love your... uh... thing on the right side of your blog. And I say Amen to Kenzie's explanation of marriage being a miracle. Heavens.
ReplyDeleteI should tell you about our mouse... I mean rat story sometime. I'm glad you were relatively humane. I can't say the same for us and our rodent adventure. And Brian and Paul are very brave. Good camera shot too. Was that you taking the picture? It seems pretty focused and clear. I'm impressed.
ReplyDeleteWoosie....... You can't complain until a big snake eats your neighbor's poodle. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy for you to have caught it right away. In Boston, Kelly and I knew that there was a mouse in our apartment for 2 whole weeks. It was a terrible feeling. Once we finally caught it, we had to try to get rid of the smell of mouse urine. It was such an awful experience. Uckk...I never want that to happen again. Oh and I almost forgot. Kelly got up in the morning to find the mouse in the trap and guess how he got it from the trap to the garbage...with my tongs. He had them bleached and "cleaned" before I got up. When I found out about it, the tongs went right into the trash. There was no way I was going to cook tortillas with those things again. Also, I was looking in the column of things that make you smile and I can totally relate to that guy who said he wants his daughter to grow up to be like you. I want to be like you too Lindsay. You are so awesome.
ReplyDeleteHi Lindsay, We went to high school together but didnt know each other very well. I stumbled upon your blog off of Jill Klein's(Smith)... anyway i just wanted to say hi and your kids are darling...its so fun to read about other people living "parallel" lives. I too have made many trips to costco just for wipes! I love your little side things of "things that made me laugh or smile today", I might have to copy that! ~SARAH~
ReplyDeleteHey Lindsay, It's been a while since you've posted something so I'm here to tell you...I think it's time to start again. :0)