Alright, so I just love to look at all of the new blogs from friends that are going up - so I decided to conquer my 'fear of the unknown' and try this out myself! This is such a great way to keep our family in touch with your family...so, here we go!

McKenzie's our little observer...she always knows what's going on and who has said what. She picks up on our vocal tones to know when we're happy/kidding/mad/sad, and she responds in the sweetest ways. Sometimes in the car after I've had enough, "Mom?" - "What?" "Mom?" - "What?" "Mom?" - "What?" I'll answer with a slightly sharper "What?" and she'll stop her thought to say, "Mom - did you say that with a happy face or a mean face?" I would love to know what goes on in that little brain of hers sometimes! She also has a little creative streak that flies out often. Right now she has her own little imaginary friend, Teeda. (We have no idea where the name came from) But, we've accepted him as one of our family. :)

Our little man, Carson! He's pretty content to play, laugh, sing, crawl as fast as he can... It's pretty cute to watch him tackle balls, laugh at McKenzie, hug his teddy bears, scream "DA-DA!!!!" - he's such a happy kid! (As long as he has food in his belly, a clean diaper, plenty of sleep and enough attention, that is...) Carson makes our life fun!
I'm so glad you have started a blog! It is the BEST way to feel totally up-to-date with everyone, even if they live across the country!