1) The Cutest Thing About This is That He Has No Idea How Cute This is.
Running around in your swimming suit with giant goggles on your face is just kind of the norm around here.
2) If You Want To Hold Eliza, You're Going To Have To Fight For Your Position
She's a pretty hot commodity around here.
3) Masks are the Worst
Anyone else with me on this? That's McKenzie standing so straight and tall in the back right corner of this picture... but I only know her because of her flip flops. Creepy, I tell you. Also, I keep feeling tempted to get rid of all of our dress ups, but then all the neighborhood kids get into them laughing and creating and I think maybe I'll hold on to them for a little while longer after all.
4) This Little Peanut is Getting Too Little
I've always said I wanted a little one. But something isn't working quite right and Eliza's not gaining weight like she should be. The doctor earlier this month told me that I needed to stop nursing her and give her straight formula because, "some mothers just don't make nutritious milk." It was a hit to my emotions, but since we've made the switch she's doing much better. This picture was taken earlier this month and she looks so tiny and malnourished that my heart breaks every time I see it. Thank goodness for scientists who create the formula and for doctors who help solve problems.
5) I Wonder How Miles Felt About Being the Object of This Target Practice
I'm betting he loved it.
6) For Being the Baby of the Family, She Sure Knows How to be With Babies
My littlest sister, Amber has always had a gentle side that speaks love and safety to babies. They love her.
7) When You Feel Like Your Life Might Be Over
Timothy was giggling and playing away in my bathroom as I was getting ready for church and I had for the most part tuned him completely out. Until I heard his solemn voice snap me out of my own daydreams saying, "Well, I guess I'm going to be stuck here forever." I turned to see that his shirt had gotten caught on some piping behind the tub and he had decided that he would have to live the rest of his life there.
8) McKenzie is Getting Big Enough to Have Her Own Adventures
She flew up to Utah all by herself to hang out with Nana and Poppy for a few days.
I'm pretty sure they didn't have any fun at all.
9) When You're A Baby, You Can't Stop Things Like This From Happening:
We are all celebrating her being able to lift her head up off the floor without too much face planting.
10) Every Morning I Get To Wake Up to This:
In going through my month of pictures, I couldn't believe how many times I'd turned the camera to myself to try to capture this fleeting moment in my life. This baby is the world to me, and I am enjoying her so, so much. Every little part.