Friday, June 3, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...

...on a Friday because I've had no internet all week. Curse Time Warner Cable!


  1. Now put them in spiderman costumes and do it again. :)

  2. I stared at that last picture for the longest time......can she really jump that high? Or did she climb up the wall and then let go? Either way, wow- I can't believe their agility!!

  3. My brother would do that at the BYU dorms. Did you? Did they get this brillant idea from their mommy? Your a good mom. I'd be yelling at them, not taking pictures.

  4. Awesome! I'm not sure if my kids have walked up the walls, but our door frames have footprints all over them!

  5. Love it! I couldn't do that - your kids are talented!!!

  6. Thanks for the laugh! What great kids.

  7. Cute! Great idea wordless wednesday. Hey I wanted to give the address to my new blog that will kind of take the place of my family blog because so much of what happens can only be explained with aspergers as a context. And if you come across anyone that might benefit from aspergers support feel free to share. The address is I haven't told many of my friends here because they know Joe (who also has aspergers we found out)and hes not to comfortable with them knowing. But gave me the go ahead with people that don't know him. Did you follow that? I love your blog Lindsay!

  8. So cute! David says to tell you "That's AWESOME." He's referring to the midair shot.
