I watched you run around the park yesterday with Brigham and Eric, but instead of smiling and enjoying the afternoon, I spent the time trying to ignore the painful lump in my throat. It would not be ignored, however, and after growing steadily for a couple of hours I knew it was moments away from bursting into hundreds of tears. So, we said a quick goodbye and buckled into the car. I turned on your favorite CD to keep your attention, and then let my mind to wander and allowed a few tears to slide down my cheeks to ease a bit of the pain. Do you know - how could you possibly know - how blessed you have been to have these boys in your young life?
Time is a funny thing. It has a way of slowly carrying pain away from our hearts, yet you can be certain that it is also slowly carrying a new kind of pain your way. And being a young, unestablished family making friends with other young, unestablished families guaranteed that the pain of separation would someday find us.
It seems the time has come for them to talk about the next phase in their lives...a phase that could take them in to another state, and out of our every-day lives. And, though my heart is broken, I feel comfort in the memories I will carry with me. I pray you feel that comfort, too. And, if it turns out to be that we only have a few short months left, let's make the most of it.
Carson, will you remember that Katie was one of your first loves? Will you know how you prepared yourself before each visit to profess that love? Kenzie, will you remember that Eric nearly stopped your heart as he valiantly tried to curb your fear of Mustang? Will you remember the pride you felt for yourself when you'd courageously touch his golden fur? Two years from now, can you still smell the chicken coop and feel the burning desire to climb on in with the hens? Will Carson always wish to be the monster in your games?
It seems nearly impossible at this point that you could forget a family who has been so much a part of your own - yet, another thing about time is that it can rob us of even the most precious memories.
ReplyDelete(That is one full bathtub!)
It's hard, huh? Makes me get a lump in my throat for J & K, and their little M. :(
ReplyDeleteI know it's silly since I've only met this family once, but I'm fighting the tears too. I know how much they have played a part of your lives and what amazing friends they've been for you. They've helped you through things I wasn't able to because I'm living too far away, and because of that they have a spot in my heart too. I'm so sorry that you have to loose someone so close to you to another state. I love you Linds and I love your children. I hope you will be comforted in the coming months. (I don't mean to make it sound like they are dying. Hum, maybe I should re-write this, but you know me well enough to know what I'm trying to say.)
ReplyDeleteHey Lindsay, I can only imagine how tough it will be when the Aldrich's leave. I know how dear they are to you. I had to leave a dear friend in Nebraska and I'd only known her a year. You and Katie have been attached at the hip for much longer. Good luck with it all.
ReplyDeleteLinds that was beautiful. You can put your feelings into words so well. Thanks for all the memories that brought back for me as well. The pics you chose were perfect. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteOh Linds...maybe one day soon we can laugh at this post and how we got ahead of ourselves...if not, I'll treasure your words always. Thank you:). AND- would you please delete all pictures if me in that horrible bathing suit!!