It's okay if you pause for a moment and take in his handsomeness. :) This man is a happy-maker. Carefree, laid back, down-to-earth, honest, and 100% genuine. A fellow medical friend once said of Brian, "You know what one of the greatest things about him is? He's just Brian. You see him at church, he's Brian. You see him walking though the hospital, he's Brian. You bump into him at Kroger, he's Brian."
I'm so lucky to be married to a man who treats everyone with kindness; who doesn't hesitate to sing the wrong lyrics at the top of his lungs; who enjoys putting the kids to bed at night; who makes friends wherever he goes; who will often be found totally submerged underneath a blanket while telling a story to two giggling kids; who thinks logically and clearly through anything; and who loves me so unconditionally, I never question.
Happy 30th Birthday, love. I truly am the luckiest.
Happy Birthday Brian! I hope you have a great day!
ReplyDeleteHe must be amazing by the way you talk about him. And of course, you deserve amazingness, you being amazing also.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Brian!! We miss you guys.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Brian! This morning the boys explained to me that if you had gone to Duke for college, they KNOW you would have been a Duke basketball player, because you're really tall and you're good at basketball. And that's about the best compliment little Eric could give...
ReplyDeleteIt's true. Brian is one of the greatest men I have ever met.
ReplyDeleteBrian really is a nice guy! Happy Birthday!
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ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Lindsay!! I hope you have a great day! Here's wishing you and Brian some alone time and lots of fun! Love you!