It has been said that all good things must come to an end. And, so ends my days of never being stung by a bee. I've been through a plethora of emotions today post-wasp-sting. Confusion, pain, hurt feelings, anger, disgust, squeamish...notice a theme? NONE OF THEM ARE GOOD! I did nothing to those uncompassionate little pests, and they still got me.
I'm sure you're dying to hear the story - so, I'll go ahead and indulge you this once. (Okay, okay, so I like drumming up pity for myself sometimes.)
The fall weather has been just gorgeous lately, so we've been doing a lot of yard work, trying to tame the forest that surrounds us. Today was nice...a little humid because of the recent rain...but nice. The only problem we were having were with the blood-sucking mosquitoes that literally swarmed around us as we were working. We kept the bug-spray handy and reapplied as we felt necessary. Carson came out to join us after nap-time, so I started innocently making my way over to the bug spray to give him a little layer of protection. I was walking through the leaves, kicking them a bit so I could enjoy that wonderful sound they make, and scarcely noticed the 5 or 6 wasps swarming around a little patch at my feet. I've never really been scared of bees or wasps because they've never hurt me. I felt we had a little unspoken bond: I leave them alone, and they leave me alone. So I didn't mind them swarming around, and I kept kicking my way over to the bug spray. Seconds later, I felt a wasp hitting the palm of my left hand. I quickly swatted it away and almost immediately felt one in my right hand. I swatted that one away, too, and heard one buzzing right by my ear. I waved him away, but he still buzzed in my ear. I tried waving him away again, but he was persistent on staying right there by my ear. At this point, I realized that he was angry, so I started to run away - swatting and screaming the whole way. The wasp kept with my ear and suddenly darted in front of me, latched onto my lip and stung me! THE NERVE! My left eye started watering like crazy, and I kept running, screaming, and swatting...but that blasted wasp wouldn't leave me alone. So, I ran into the house, through the hall and into the bathroom so I could at least have a mirror as my ally. I saw the bugger still swarming around my head, but got to a point where I could slip out of the door and slam it behind me - locking the fiend inside. It didn't take long before my lip looked like this:

And the pain had traveled up through my upper lip, down my gums, and into three of my teeth! My heroic husband took charge and went outside with some bug spray to kill the rest of them while I watched from behind the safety of a big glass window, holding ice to my lip. It's been over 9 hours now and, just in case you're wondering, it still hurts!

But why, oh why, did it have to inflict pain on my LIP?
Just to let you know that I freak out any time I see a wasp. I was stung on my hand as a kid but I don't remember the pain. All I do now is freak out every time I see a wasp. That has really got to hurt on the lip though. Don't worry, I'm not laughing.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I must say, that is a lovely close up of you...second, I am really sorry you got stung and ON THE LIP! That just can't be a choice spot (didn't they tell us in anatomy that you have a lot of nerve endings there??) Third, I have yet to be stung as well, and therefore, like you, haven't really been afraid. Fourth, we have some wasps that seem to be building a home right above our front door (outside!) and I don't really care for that...and fifth, I'm still happy for you that you have a yard, even if it's wasp infested!
ReplyDeleteSixth, this is getting long, and seventh, I miss you!
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ReplyDeleteOWWWWW! I'm not really scared of bees (their stings aren't so bad), but wasps scare me so bad because I hear they hurt more. I love the picture of your heroic husband. And looking at that picture, I remembered why I love North Carolina - so many trees...I'm jealous. I'll bet it's so pretty in the fall.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, your insights on our mascot were interesting - I'd never really considered that. Pretty intimidating after all. Hope your lip gets better soon - you'll just have to have your hubby kiss it better a lot! ;)
Ouch! I've been stung, but I don't think it was by a wasp...at least I've never been pursued so doggedly! I hope it's feeling better today...can't wait to see you at church;).
ReplyDeleteI HATE those wasps! Not only for your sake, but I had one that got stuck in my hair and kept stinging my head over and over again. My mom had to grab the bug spray and spray my head to kill it and stop it from stinging me. Sorry to hear that you had to be in so much pain. Thank goodness for your husband.
ReplyDeleteI used to go to a farm for daycare while my mom worked and got stung all the time! It does hurt and I empathize deeply for your poor lip! I think the one I got right on the knuckle of my toe was the most painful i had. never on my lip though.
ReplyDeleteyou are a brave women. i've been stung and it keeps hurting long after the sting should have gone away. i was attacked this summer so i feel your pain. lucky for me it was just my leg...and all three wasp paid the ultimate price. hope your all better now.
ReplyDeleteLindsay--you looked completely back to normal today--I didn't notice a thing. But ouch!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so stinking funny! Not... ya know... FOR being stung, but just the way you describe it! I've been stung once. Also by a wasp. I was in high school. You made fun of me for crying. :)
ReplyDeleteOuch Linds! And I love the picture of Brian killing the rest off! We have a huge hornet's nest in our bedroom window - have I mentioned we need to get our windows replaced - but you can bet I'll let Merrill be in charge of "disposing" of the nest and the hornets!
ReplyDeleteLinds, I'm sorry you were stung. Must say, that isn't something I've experienced. My mom got stung last night by 2 and said that she put some Benedryl cream on it and it was gone in a couple of minutes. Might be worth investing in. OUCH!!
ReplyDeleteOuch. I think I agree with Sister Kimball.... she said something like, "In MY world there won't be any spiders or snakes." I believe that wasps should be added to that statement.
ReplyDeleteYou know, here in Thailand, people pay BIG money to have their lips plumped up like that!
I think your mom's got a great idea there. You could make lots of money with your own organic collagen.