Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Who knew?

I think I really love plants. You know, the living, breathing, eating, drinking type - those interesting creatures that actually take some care to keep alive and some thought to keep happy. It's funny, because I never thought I liked plants - too much work, too little benefit, and they always die. But, just today, I was sitting on the couch updating my budget spreadsheets when I looked up at my peace-lily that a friend gave to me and I thought, "You know, that's very pretty." Then, I looked at my interestingly lopsided poinsettia (which only looks good from one direction) and I thought, "You know, that's beautiful, too." And, when I looked at my pretty little pink roses flourishing in an awesome looking green vase, I realized - I think I really love plants.

I also have another peace-lily that lives in my living room...and, just today, I realized how proud I am of myself for keeping these four plants alive for so long! (Okay, so the roses are dying - but that's to be expected.) I don't know how long poinsettias are supposed to live, and I can't figure out how to make my peace-lilys actually produce their white flowers, but they're alive...and they're green...and they're beautiful. My peace-lily in the living room has had quite an eventful life, too - sunburn, frost-bite, drowning...but in the three years it's been under my care, it has never actually died. (I thought it had a time or two...)

It's a little overwhelming at this point to think of starting a flower garden - too many other things to do first (like...rake all my leaves...or move all of my bushes...). But, perhaps I will start appreciating plant life a little more. :)


  1. I've never had much success myself with plants, in fact the only one I have that is doing quite well is a hand-me-down from a friend who recently moved and had quite a green thumb. We'll see how long this one lasts:) I had a good laugh at your dryer-sheet solution for old house smell. I'll have to share that idea with my husband, who also has a very sensitive nose! let me know how long this lovely scent lasts.

  2. oh, and by the way, i don't remember if i ever told you congratulations on being pregnant. It is so nice to feel the movement for the first time. It really does help push through all the not so fun pregnant stuff.

  3. Plants. If only. Plants for me only mean death. I kill them. And then I feel guilty.

  4. Very nice work Lindsay! I love plants, but I'm not so good at the indoor kind, or at least I don't have any at the moment. But, in the winter when the rest of the world-plant-i-ly speaking-is sleeping, indoor plants make me smile. Maybe it's the symbiotic relationship, give some O2, take some CO2, I don't know, but they're living and happy-making.

  5. I love indoor plants! I had a friend convert me to their wonderful-ness a year ago and I love the leafy greenness all over my house. I got a great book on plant care and it saved me for killing them all. You think taking care of plants would be common sense, but no. The instructions were necessary.
    (However, I can't get my peace lily to bloom either.)

  6. The key with your lily is it has to be root bound before it will bloom. So don't move it to a bigger pot. It took my mom's a few years to bloom. Good luck my friend. Richard takes care of all our indoor plants mostly because he will water them even if I have so I gave up and just leave it up to him.
