To blog about our Disney World vacation, I decided to present this little quiz. It's a matching quiz, with each option corresponding to how one member of the family felt about Disney World (me, Brian, McKenzie, Carson, and Miles) . . . each answer can only be used once, and no cheating! Actually, I don't really care if you cheat - but you'll miss out on the fun.
Disney World is . . . . . . .
a) The Place Where Dreams Come True.
b) The Place to Fall in Love.
c) The Place Where Dreams Cost a Fortune.
d) Nothing More Special Than a Day at Home
e) Happiness to the Point of Tears

While you're finishing up your guesses, I just want to mention how much I love having my parents back from Thailand. They were able to meet us in Orlando and made our vacation so much fun. We loved having them join us and make our great experience even better!
Answer key:
The Place Where Dreams Come True:

This picture was taken on 'It's a Small World', folks. IT'S A SMALL WORLD!!! Now, can you imagine her excitement on the big rides?
It just so happens that McKenzie is a 5 year old wanna-be princess, so Disney World was completely magical for her! All the hype now-a-days is about dressing your little princess up and having her spend the entire day in Disney World as a true princess. For a meager $250 (TWO FIVE ZERO!!!) you can have her transformed into a real princess at the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique where they'll do her hair and makeup and dress her in her very own brand-new princess dress.

Well, spending that much money for one day of dress-up wasn't even a temptation for me...even though those little girls coming out of the boutique were exceptionally cute. Instead, we packed our own princess dress, did her hair in a 'princess bun and braids' and let her have free access to my lip gloss for the whole day. Let me tell you, she felt every bit as beautiful as if we'd have spent a fortune on her. "Everyone keeps telling me how beautiful I am."
Dressing as a princess set the tone for the whole day...and once we added the big roller coasters, the electrical light parade and the fireworks at the end of the day, she was full and overflowing with the fulfillment of her dreams.
The Place to Fall in Love:
"Mom, is dat a WEAL pwincess?"
"She is beautif-o"
Oh, my son... my son, my son, my son. Already his little three-year-old heart is smitten by beautiful women. He couldn't take his eyes off of Cinderella, and turned all bashful and sheepish when she came down close to him for a picture. She kissed his cheek, and he's
still talking about it. Just yesterday, he pointed to a picture of Sleeping Beauty and said, "She's not duh one dat kissed my chweek." It's been three weeks.
Thankfully, his heart is capable of falling in love with more than just beautiful women. Candy will work, too...and this lollipop was a
huge hit. When the day was over, we decided that this lollipop was the single thing that kept Carson moving and happy through the long, hot, tiring day. It was faithfully waiting for him at the end of each ride, protected by a disgustingly gooey, sticky ziplock baggie, and lasting for hours. He ate every single bit of it.
The Place Where Dreams Cost a Fortune:

We both, technically, fall into this category - - - but the correct answer would be Brian. I had prepared myself
thoroughly for the extreme over-pricing that runs rampant through the whole park ($15 for a sandwich?!? It
doesn't come with fries?!?). Thankfully, we were able to pack in our own lunches, dinners, and snacks.
Nothing More than a Day at Home:

Some napping, some eating, some learning about things he'd never seen before...just another day in the life of Miles.
Happiness to the Point of Tears

Yeah, I know. I probably cry a little too easily. But there were a few 'happy mommy moments' sprinkled throughout our day that had me choking back tears. The first one happened as I watched my kids with the princesses - McKenzie was awed, Carson was smitten, and I was wishing they could stay little and innocent forever. But, the happiest moment of the entire trip came at the very end. As we all stood to leave after watching the magical fireworks, in a sea of people, my less-than-affectionate daughter quietly opened her arms and wrapped them around each one of us in turn - first my mom, then my dad, then me, and finally Brian - in a hug so warm and honest that my heart exploded and flooded my eyes. I watched her embrace Brian and whispered, "This makes every penny worth it."
"It sure does," my dad replied.
It sure does.
Anyone get 100%?