There's a special place in my heart for one other family member who came to visit over the last three months. I haven't mentioned her yet partially because I haven't had time to really sit and think about
what I want to say, and partially because I haven't been able to find
how to say it. All I knew was that my heart was bursting with love and appreciation and gratitude for the selfless service she so readily offers to me and my children.

My dear mother-in-law, Jean, was my right hand after Miles was born. Her plane was landing as I carried Miles into our home for the first time, and she stayed for two full weeks as our family adjusted to the new little life. I leaned on her like a crutch during those two weeks. As I wrestled with nursing and hormones and healing, she took my older kids under her wing and kept them entertained and happy to the point where I couldn't have worried about them if I'd tried. She listened to McKenzie read story after story, played game after game of Uno (after game, after game, after game, after game...), broke up fights and helped herself to the fingerpaints. She fed them, cleaned up after them, and loved them. She listened to me cry out my hormones and talk out my frustrations. And she did it all with a wide smile on her face that made me believe she actually
wanted to do it all. I generally stress when someone tries to help me because I'm worried about how they're feeling - - - not with Jean. I've told my friends countless times, "Jean has a way of making me feel like she actually
wants to change the poopy diaper!" And, if that's not talent, I don't know what is!

So, thanks, Jean. Thanks for your personality, your example, your energy and, of course, your wonderfully willing help.